Occidens Museum


Cathedral of Pamplona (Spain)


European Museum of the Year Award EMYA 2014 (Special Commendation) · FX International Interior Design Award 2013 · International Core77 Design Award 2013 · XII Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism (Selected) · AADIPA European Award Intervention in heritage (Finalist)


OCCIDENS no es una exposición es una reflexión acerca de Occidente.
Occidente no es una civilización ni una geografía, es un territorio mental.
El Museo se plantea como un proyecto narrativo más próximo a la disciplina cinematográfica que a los convencionales esquemas museísticos mediante un discurso desplegado a través de diferentes tramas y distintos niveles de lectura: signos, imágenes, objetos, sonidos, textos, proyecciones, códigos, olores y atmósferas…


OCCIDENS is not an exhibition; it’s a reflection about the West.
West is neither a civilization nor a geography, but a mental territory.
The Museum is conceived as a narrative project closer to a cinematographic discipline than to the conventional schemes of the museum through a discourse deployed through different frames and different reading levels: signs, images, objects, sounds, text, projections, codes, smells and atmospheres …


Photographer: © Rubén P. Bescós

